Bro Master Super Max Finisher


    In last 10 Years Broiler industry has experienced a drastic development in terms of growth and Feed conversion. The genetical improvements at Breeder level has made it possible to make todays broiler attain 2 kg bodyweight at 32 days with an amazing feed conversion as good as 1.35.


    But this genetical advancement need a robust immune system of broiler to stay healthy. The need of the hour is to feed a optimum balanced nutrion to todays broiler in terms of Digestble Protein, Aminoacids , Pre & Probiotics, advanced enzymatic solutions and most carefull adjustment of maco & mico nutrients to support this rapid growth of the Broiler.


    In Bro Master, we have blended the latest research into practicality with stringent selection of rawmaterals with our sophisticated inhouse Lab. The feed premixes have been procured from abroad with high purity & efficiency to avoid domestic adulteration. Our In house practical demonstrate farms gives us confidence to tailor made products as per the Market demands from time to time.


    We stand for :

    • Broiler Health & welfare: Good for Animal
    • Broiler Performance: Good for farmer
    • Broiler Quality: Good for consumer





    7 DAYS

    200 200 200

    14 DAYS

    500 500


    21 DAYS

    750 820


    28 DAYS

    1200 1300


    35 DAYS

    2000 2100


    FCR 1.7 1.6



    NB: We would suggest Pre Starter to be fed Ultramax Only to all chicks during first 7-14 days of life to get a quick start to the broiler Chicks.

    Pre Starter

    0-14 Days/ 500gm per Boiler & 200gm for Desi


    14-28 Days/ 1500gm per Bird


    28 Days onwards till Marketing

    Desi Starter

    After 200gm Pre Starter till 45 Days

    Desi Finisher

    45 Days onwards till Marketing

    Cutter’s Delight

    For Stock/ Cutting Points Only


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